We cover a wide range of heating system repairs plus the annual inspection,
burner cleaning, and tune-up along with 24-Hour Emergency Service and automatic fuel delivery service!
We strongly recommend yearly maintenance on your heating system. Our Annual Service Plans takes the worry out of winter, and, you have 24 hour emergency service just a phone call away. Please don’t hesitate to call
us at 610-683-8241 if you have any questions about our service plans.
NEW SAVINGS PLANS FOR 2022... Coming soon
Damage to heating system due to flooded basements, electrical failure, Act of God, supply shortage, lack of heating oil due to an overdue balance will not be covered. Service performed by a third party, or deliveries made by another fuel company, nullifies oil service plans immediately. Wood/oil combination units are not covered under this plan .No refunds will be available on any credit balance remaining on the service contract. All furnaces and boilers must be inspected prior to acceptance of contact. Service contracts include 24 hour service, 7 days a week . All credit and bills must be kept up to date or service can be delayed.